
Yemen visa Information,Yemen Embassy address

Yemen Visa Information:


Yemen, officially the Republic of Yemen is a Middle Eastern country located on the Arabian Peninsula in Southwest Asia. With a population of about 20 million people, Yemen is bordered by Saudi Arabia to the North, the Red Sea to the West, the Arabian Sea and Gulf of Aden to the South, and Oman to the east. Yemen Flag Yemen’s territory includes over 200 islands, the largest of which is Socotra, about 415 kilometres (260 miles) to the south of Yemen, off the coast of Somalia.
Entry restrictions: The Government of the Republic of Yemen refuses entry and transit facilities to holders of Israeli passports, or holders of passports containing visas valid or expired for Israel or any indication, such as entry or exit stamps, that the holder has visited Israel.

PASSPORTS: Passport valid for at least 6 months after date of departure required by all.

VISAS: Required by all except:

(a) nationals of Iraq, Jordan and Syria;

(b) transit passengers continuing their journey by the same or first connecting aircraft provided they hold valid onward or return documentation and are not leaving the airport.

Types of visa: Tourist/Visitor (Single-entry only); Business (Single- and Multiple-Entry); Work; Transit.

Validity: Single-entry (2 months from date of issue); Mutiple-entry (6 months or 1 year from date of issue).

Cost: Tourist/Visitor: £25. Business: £35 (Single-entry); £90 (6-month Multiple-entry); £180 (1-year Multiple-entry).

Application to: Consulate (or Consular section at Embassy); see address section.

Application requirements: Tourist/Visitor: (a) Completed application form. (b) 2 passport-size photos. (c) Return ticket. (d) Valid passport. (e) Fee in postal orders or cash; company cheques are accepted. (f) Stamped, self-addressed envelope for postal applications. (g) Letter from travel company organising the trip. Business: (a)-(f) and (h) Letter from company explaining purpose of visit and nature of business. Work visa: (a)-(f) and (i) Work permit from local authority in Yemen.

Note: Group visas are available for ten or more visitors whose tour has been organised through a travel company in Yemen. Contact the Consulate (or Consular section at Embassy) for details.

Working days required: 3 (personal applications); 5 (postal applications).

Download Visa Application Form. this form can be viewed and printed using Adobe Acrobat Reader which can be downloaded for free from the Adobe web site.

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