
Australia A to Z – Tax


DIMA Announces Trial of New Tax File Number Declaration Form

The Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs (DIMA) today announced the trial of a new Tax File Number (TFN) Declaration Form which will assist employers hiring overseas workers.

The two-month trial in the Burdekin region of North Queensland, will begin in July and will be conducted in conjunction with the Australian Tax Office (ATO).

DIMA and the ATO have been working closely with the National Farmers’ Federation (NFF), and the Queensland Fruit and Vegetable Growers Ltd (QFVG) to progress the trial of the form.

The joint form, the result of suggestions raised during national community consultations last year, includes provision for employers to record checks of a potential employee’s entitlement to work in Australia.

An independent contractor, Colmar Brunton Social Research, is facilitating the trial and evaluation of the revised form under the auspice of a Steering Committee comprising representatives from DIMA, the ATO, the NFF and the QFVG.

Meetings to discuss the trial are being held in Bowen and Ayr today, Wednesday 20 June and Thursday 21 June respectively.

The trial is part of DIMA’s continuing work with the other government agencies, members of the community and non-government organisations to implement the recommendations of the Review of Illegal Workers in Australia.


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