
Australia Retirement Visa – Visas Info

Australia Retirement Visa:

This visa is designed for self-funded retirees who have no dependents and who want to reside in Australia during their retirement years. The visa is temporary and will not lead to Australian permanent residence or citizenship.

Who is this visa for?

People from overseas who are 55 years or older, have no dependents (other than a spouse who can be any age), are self supported, and are able to make a significant long-term financial investment in Australia.

How much will this visa cost?

There is a charge for this visa application.
See: Special Activities Visa Charges

What does this visa let me do?

If you are granted this visa you can:

  • work in Australia for up to 20 hours per week
  • travel in and out of Australia any number of times as long as your visa is valid
  • live in Australia for four (4) years
  • have your spouse accompany you to Australia.
How this Visa Works

This visa is for you if you live overseas and are 55 years or older, have no dependents (other than a spouse who can be any age), are self-supported, and are able to make a significant long-term financial investment in Australia.


Your application may only include your spouse. You and your spouse must not have any dependents.

Visa validity period

The Investor retirement visa is a temporary visa that allows you to stay in Australia for four years. There is an option to apply for further Investor retirement visas which will allow you to stay for a further four years, however, you will need to meet the requirements to be granted a subsequent visa. As long as you continue to satisfy the visa requirements you can keep applying for subsequent Investor Retirement visas.

Investor Retirement visa definitions

To understand the information clearly, you should understand all the terms used in the Investor Retirement Visa (residence) web pages.
See: Definitions

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